25 Best Animal Rights Blogs and Websites in 2024

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Animal Rights Blogs

Here are 25 Best Animal Rights Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. PETA Blog

PETA Blog PETA's blog is your source for information about PETA's campaigns, breaking news about animals, and animal rights information from around the globe. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world.
Blog peta.org/blog
Facebook Followers 5.7MTwitter Followers 1.1MInstagram Followers 1.5M Frequency 9 posts / week Domain Authority 87 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. ASPCA Blog

ASPCA Blog With all the latest animal welfare news and information about how you can take action for animals, the ASPCA Blog is a must-read. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law.
Blog aspca.org/blog
Facebook Followers 1.8MTwitter Followers 494.1KInstagram Followers 478.6K Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 78 Get Email Contact

3. Mercy For Animals Blog

Mercy For Animals Blog Get the latest news from the world of farmed animals, animal protection, and vegan eating. Mercy For Animals is an international non-profit animal advocacy organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.
Blog mercyforanimals.org
Facebook Followers 2.5MTwitter Followers 320KInstagram Followers 506K Frequency 7 posts / month Domain Authority 67 Get Email Contact

4. Animal Aid

Animal Aid Animal Aid is one of the UK's largest animal rights groups. Animal Aid campaigns peacefully against all forms of animal abuse and promotes cruelty-free living.
Blog animalaid.org.uk
Facebook Followers 178.7KTwitter Followers 88.8K Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 57 Get Email Contact

5. Eurogroup For Animals

Eurogroup For Animals As the pan-European animal advocacy organization, the primary focus of Eurogroup for Animals is to improve the well-being of as many animals as possible and defend animals' interests. We do this by achieving better legislation, standards, enforcement, and societal attitudes, through a united community of animal protection organizations and via lawful means.
Blog eurogroupforanimals.org
Facebook Followers 20.4KTwitter Followers 16.1K Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 51 Get Email Contact

6. Animal Justice Blog

Animal Justice Blog Animal Justice is Canada's only national animal law advocacy organization. We believe that animals need lawyers, and our legal team works to protect animals from cruelty and neglect. Whether animals are used for food, fashion, experiments, entertainment, or in the pet trade, our lawyers fight for the legal protections that these animals desperately need and deserve.
Blog animaljustice.ca
Facebook Followers 54.4KTwitter Followers 13.5KInstagram Followers 133.1K Frequency 2 posts / week Since Oct 2012 Domain Authority 50 Get Email Contact

7. Freedom for Animals Blog

Freedom for Animals Blog Freedom for Animals began as the Captive Animals' Protection Society in 1957 and is one of the UK's longest-running charities working to protect animals. Through a combination of undercover investigations, research, campaigns, grassroots activism, political lobbying, and education, our work for animals focuses predominantly on issues affecting those individuals held captive in circuses, zoos, and aquariums, as well as those used in the television and film industry, live animal displays and the exotic pet trade.
Blog freedomforanimals.org.uk
Facebook Followers 57.8KTwitter Followers 27.2K Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 43 Get Email Contact

8. World Animal Protection Blogs

World Animal Protection Blogs Every day billions of animals are experiencing unbearable cruelty. We tackle the root causes of their suffering so that we make the biggest difference in their lives. Our vision is a world where animals live free from suffering - together we can move the world for animals
Blog worldanimalprotection.org
Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 143.5KInstagram Followers 148.9K Frequency 3 posts / quarter Domain Authority 68 Get Email Contact

9. Humane Society Legislative Fund Blog

Humane Society Legislative Fund Blog The Humane Society Legislative Fund was formed in 2004 as a separate lobbying affiliate of The Humane Society of the United States. HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal levels, educate the public about animal protection issues, and support humane candidates for office.
Blog hslf.org/blog
Facebook Followers 40.8KTwitter Followers 3.7K Frequency 5 posts / day Domain Authority 54 Get Email Contact

10. Animals Asia

Animals Asia Animals Asia is devoted to ending bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals across Asia. We promote compassion and respect for all animals and work to bring about long-term change.
Blog animalsasia.org
Facebook Followers 365.2KTwitter Followers 119.4K Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 83 Get Email Contact

11. Faunalytics Blog

Faunalytics Blog Our blog provides opinions, insights, and occasional announcements from Faunalytics staff members and some guest authors. Faunalytics' mission is to empower animal advocates with access to research, analysis, strategies, and messages that maximize their effectiveness to reduce animal suffering.
Blog faunalytics.org
Facebook Followers 32.9KTwitter Followers 5.3KInstagram Followers 3.9K Frequency 2 posts / week Domain Authority 54 Get Email Contact

12. HumaneWatch Blog

HumaneWatch Blog Welcome to HumaneWatch. This is a serious and sober effort, and it's long overdue. Sometimes, non-governmental organizations can also become so powerful that they stop being responsive to the people they're supposed to serve. This blog is an attempt to make sense of what's going on inside that sprawling organization.
Blog humanewatch.org
Facebook Followers 428.7KTwitter Followers 3.2K Frequency 9 posts / year Domain Authority 55 Get Email Contact

13. Wild Welfare Blog

Wild Welfare Blog Read all our recent project updates, Wild Welfare's response to the latest issues facing captive wildlife, and our latest blog posts here. Our Mission is to end the suffering of captive wild animals around the world, by uniting the world's leading animal welfare organizations and captive wildlife facilities in providing expert, practical and sustainable solutions to improve animal welfare.
Blog wildwelfare.org
Facebook Followers 7.4KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 4 posts / month Domain Authority 40 Get Email Contact

14. Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Latest news and legislation, policy, and bills on Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation's campaigns. The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation was established in 2016 to raise awareness of the lives of billions of animals reared on intensive farms around the world and how this impacts animal welfare, the environment, and people's health. We want to highlight the action people can take to help advance farm animal welfare.
Blog conservativeanimalwelfarefoundation.org
Facebook Followers 4.2KTwitter Followers 10.3KInstagram Followers 1.8K Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 32 Get Email Contact

15. New Hampshire Animal Rights League

New Hampshire Animal Rights League The mission of the New Hampshire Animal Rights League is to work for fair treatment of all animals, in New Hampshire and beyond. We look into animal welfare issues brought to our attention, promote a vegan cruelty-free lifestyle, grant funds to help pay for nonlethal beaver management, and distribute free No Hunting signs to landowners.
Blog nhanimalrights.org
Facebook Followers 4.1KTwitter Followers 102Instagram Followers 620 Frequency 3 posts / week Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

16. Animal Protection Voters Blog

Animal Protection Voters Blog Animal Protection Voters' blog about animal advocacy, law, and politics in the great state of New Mexico. One of the most important tools that can be used to reduce animal suffering is passing laws that better protect animals. In order to pass local, state, and federal laws, citizens who care about animals must join forces.
Blog apvnm.org/news
Facebook Followers 4KTwitter Followers 2KInstagram Followers 631 Frequency 1 post / quarter Domain Authority 32 Get Email Contact

17. The Humane Society of the United States Blog

The Humane Society of the United States Blog News and analysis of animal protection issues from Kitty Block, president, and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States. Kitty Block is President and CEO of the HSUS. Block, an attorney, has devoted more than a quarter century to protecting animals. She joined the HSUS in 1992 as a legal investigator and was instrumental in bringing cruelties such as horse slaughter and the killing of dogs and cats for their fur in China to light.
Blog blog.humanesociety.org
Frequency 19 posts / year Domain Authority 77 Get Email Contact

18. Animal Justice Project Blog

Animal Justice Project Blog The Animal Justice Project is a UK-based non-profit founded in December 2014 campaigning predominantly for the end of animal farming. We work with activists nationwide to Slot Gacor Hari Ini to build on the capacity, scale, and effectiveness of the animal rights movement; so that we can collectively achieve our shared vision of a society that is just.
Blog animaljusticeproject.com
Facebook Followers 91.9KTwitter Followers 9.2KInstagram Followers 45.5K Domain Authority 36 Get Email Contact

19. Nonhuman Rights Project Blog

Nonhuman Rights Project Blog The Nonhuman Rights Project is the only civil rights organization in the United States dedicated solely to securing rights for nonhuman animals. Our groundbreaking work challenges an archaic, unjust legal status quo that views and treats all nonhuman animals as 'things' with no rights. As with human rights, nonhuman rights are based on fundamental values and principles of justice such as liberty, autonomy, equality, and fairness.
Blog nonhumanrights.org
Facebook Followers 60.3KTwitter Followers 18.1KInstagram Followers 21.2K Domain Authority 63 Get Email Contact

20. Euronews » Animal rights

Euronews » Animal rights Information about Animal rights by Euronews. We are Europe's leading international news channel, providing global, multilingual news with a European perspective to over 440 million homes in 160 countries. At Euronews, our mission is to provide unfiltered, unbiased, fact-based journalism that empowers rather than unsettles.
Blog euronews.com
Facebook Followers 2.4MTwitter Followers 573.5KInstagram Followers 621K Domain Authority 92 Get Email Contact

21. Direct Action Everywhere Blog

Direct Action Everywhere Blog Direct Action Everywhere is a global network of activists working to achieve animal liberation in one generation. We will achieve revolutionary social and political change for animals in one generation using nonviolent direct action and community building to create revolutionary social and political change for animals.
Blog directactioneverywhere.com
Facebook Followers 684.8KTwitter Followers 17.8KInstagram Followers 80.8K Domain Authority 55 Get Email Contact

22. The Abolitionist Approach Blog

The Abolitionist Approach Blog The mission of this website is to provide a clear statement of an approach to animal rights that (1) requires the abolition of animal exploitation and rejects the regulation of animal exploitation; (2) is based only on animal sentience and no other cognitive characteristic, (3) regards veganism as the moral baseline of the animal rights position; and (4) rejects all violence and promotes activism in the form of creative, non-violent vegan education.
Blog abolitionistapproach.com
Facebook Followers 73.2KTwitter Followers 16.7KInstagram Followers 10.7K Since Nov 2006 Domain Authority 54 Get Email Contact

23. All-Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare

All-Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) was created to develop policy on any issue relating to animals with the aim of obtaining legislation to improve welfare standards. The Group holds regular roundtable meetings in Parliament providing an opportunity for those with a common interest in animal welfare to meet and debate their views as well as running focused inquiries into topical issues with subsequent reports to Government.
Blog apgaw.org
Frequency 1 post / year Domain Authority 38 Get Email Contact

24. Northwest Animal Rights Network

Northwest Animal Rights Network The Northwest Animal Rights Network advocates for the rights of all sentient beings - the right to choose, to be free from oppression and exploitation - by pursuing campaigns, facilitating education, and connecting Pacific Northwest organizations Our efforts include outreach, demonstrations, litigation, and educational events. We also advocate that veganism is the best and most consistent way to respect the lives of animals.
Blog narn.org/news
Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 1K Frequency 3 posts / year Domain Authority 33 Get Email Contact

25. Animal Rights & Wrongs Blog

Animal Rights & Wrongs Blog Hi! I'm John Brookland. Animal Rights and Wrongs is a popular animal welfare blog and website with readers in many countries. There are over one hundred informative and thought-provoking articles to peruse and research on a variety of international and domestic issues.
Blog animalrightsandwrongs.uk
Frequency 1 post / year Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

Show 26 to 174

Animal Rights Bloggers

Top bloggers, editors, and contributors covering Animal Rights. Get Spreadsheet
Blogger Name Email Designation Blog Link Twitter Handle Twitter Follower
Catie Cryar Authorpeta.org/blog@catcryatx140
Camille Labchuk Executive Directoranimaljustice.ca/blog@camillelabchuk13.8K
Brooke Haggerty Executive Directorfaunalytics.org/category/blog
Karol Orzechowski Content Directorfaunalytics.org/category/blog
Elisabeth Jennings Executive Directorapvnm.org/news@ejenningsnm26
Claire Palmer Authoranimaljusticeproject.com/blog@claireajp122
Sara Haggerty Authoranimaljusticeproject.com/blog@veganhaggerty371
Courtney Fern Author & Director of Government Relationsnonhumanrights.org/blog@courtneymfern101
Gary Francione Authorabolitionistapproach.com/blog@garylfrancione14.9K
John Brookland Authoranimalrightsandwrongs.uk/blog
Tod Contributoranimalaid.org.uk
Felicia Tidy-Coyle Contributorpeta.org
Christopher Merrow Contributorpeta.org
Focus MX Contributorpeta.org
Dyrevernalliansen Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Jessica Contributorapvnm.org
Kblocher@hslf.org Contributorhslf.org
Rachel Harp Contributorpeta.org
Sophia Stileman Contributorconservativeanimalwelfarefoundation.org
Tyler Whitley Contributormercyforanimals.org
Kaitlyn Mitchell Contributoranimaljustice.ca
Djurens Rätt Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Hannah Bugga Contributormercyforanimals.org
Jennifer O'Connor Contributorpeta.org
Sara Oliver Contributorpeta.org
Animalfree Research Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Animal Equality Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Lega Anti Vivisezione Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
The Donkey Sanctuary Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Crustacean Compassion Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Doctors Against Animal Experiments Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Essere Animali Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Wakker Dier Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Gaia Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Djurskyddet Sverige Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Protection Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Ippothesis Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Compassion In World Farming Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Humánny Pokrok Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Albert Schweitzer Foundation Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Ethical Farming Ireland Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Animanaturalis Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Code Animal Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Toto Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Amp; Pufi Association Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Animais De Rua Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Deutscher Tierschutzbund Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Stichting Proefdiervrij Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Otwarte Klatki Contributoreurogroupforanimals.org
Jack Stennett Contributorfaunalytics.org
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